The KoMo Mio Grain mill is my new grain mill. Whole grain baking is best done with FRESH milled flours straight from the grain. That’s how the highest level of nutrition is received from the grains. A grain mill like the KoMo Mio is an essential kitchen tool for serious bakers.
FULL DISCLOSURE: Pleasant Hill Grain gave me this KoMo Mio grain mill for a fair and honest review and to help them launch this new product with a GiveAway. We are SO excited to help launch this amazing mill!
KoMo Mio Grain Mill Review:
If you are a long time follower of our blog you will know I have deep dived into Artisan Sourdough bread baking in addition to making my other yeasted breads. Now I’m excited to take my baking up to the highest level of creativity and nutrition by blending the freshest flour blends for all sorts of delicious breads and cereals. Are you a whole grain baker? Do you want to get really creative with flour blends? This mill may be a great fit for you!
When Pleasant Hill Grain approached Kayti and I about helping them launch their KoMo Mio Grain Mill I was all ears.
The KoMo Mio is a big step up in useability from my old impact mill. Here’s why I like this mill:
- It’s very easy to use and requires no special cleaning. Just dust it off as necessary.
- The KoMo will grind a large variety of whole grains and beans into flours and cracked cereals. That makes it very versatile for lots of different uses from making your own cereals and muesli to an infinite variety of flours you can blend just before baking for the BEST nutrition possible.
- It is MUCH quieter than my old mill
- The flour comes out the spout in front rather than blowing out the sides due to its wonderfully well constructed cabinet.
- It’s pretty sitting on my counter and doesn’t take a lot of room. So It’s always handy to use.
I put the KoMo Mio through its paces. I’m VERY satisfied with it. Watch my YouTube Review!
I spent decades making my own flours and baking whole wheat breads for our family with my old impact mill. Then the kids grew up, my lifestyle changed and the homemade breads went down the list of priorities. Now I’m baking bread again and loving it!
My first bread made with KoMo Mio milled whole wheat flour:
I’m adding sourdough artisan breads and recipes into our diet. I am thrilled to get back into milling flour blends and exploring more delicious recipes. Both the long cold rise artisan breads and the quicker yeast breads. You will be seeing more bread and whole grain recipes on the blog in the future.

I’ve got a loaf of our whole wheat sourdough bread rising in the fridge now. I ground the flour from whole wheat berries in my KoMo Mio mill. I’m using a finer pastry flour milling to create a lighter flour with our hard red wheat. Are you a kitchen scientist? This is Foodie fun!
I have never seen a grain mill with this newer, more modern two tone look. Now that I have it unboxed and sitting on my counter, I just love it. The construction of this mill is superb, eco friendly and it’s very pretty.
Benefits of adding Arboblend to the construction of this mill:
What is Arbolend? Look at the colored parts of the Mio (the white and red on this mill). THOSE ARE the Arboblend components of the KoMo Mio grain mill.
- Arboblend seals the grain mill in a better way than wood because it’s a liquid wood plastic blend that is MOLDABLE for a better fit and seal than wood can give. The flour stays IN the mill until it comes out the spout.
- Arbolend is eco-friendly too. I applaud and support sensible efforts to reduce the plastic in our oceans and landfills. Arboblend is completely biodegradable. So when I look at the two toned styling on this Mill I appreciate it.
- Arboblend is lightweight (Thank you KoMo!)
- Finally, For a grain mill of this quality The KoMo Mio has VERY low pricing largely due to the use of Arboblend.
- A lifetime mill: The excellence of engineering and construction that goes into every KoMo electric grain mill means that your mill can be expected to last a lifetime in normal use. Only the finest materials are used to make KoMo mills, and the European beechwood used in crafting their beautiful cabinetry is sustainably harvested.
The KoMo Mio Grain Mill Review:
I’m Falling more in love with this grain mill each time I use it. It’s SO easy to use and clean. Watch our KoMo Mio unboxing video and our KoMo Mio review video in this post to see it in action.
This grain mill is highly crafted with a sleek European two toned look and is made with eco friendly biodegradable materials.
For more in depth information on the KoMo Mio visit the “Pleasant Hill Grain website.

I researched the KoMo Mio company before I agreed to this give a way. The KoMo grain company are one of the best in the industry, in my opinion. They make wonderfully high quality grain mills out of eco friendly materials and the company has a decidedly environmentally friendly approach to their business. That excited me and so do all the great reviews I read on their mills.
Pleasant Hill Grain company is a company Homemade Food Junkie supports. Great products and Customer Service.
A small family run company from the heart of Nebraska with excellent, responsive customer service. They also are a full line kitchen shop with products that promote a healthy foodie lifestyle. My kind of place!
Follow Pleasant Hill Grain on Instagram
There are accessories available to make this grain mill even more awesome. Take a look at their KoMo Mio Product page for more details.
- A grain sifter is available to keep your flour grind evenly textured.
- Also, for our gluten free friends this grain mill has an insert to prevent contamination of the different flours.
- Grinds super fine flour
- Quickly adjusts to coarse grinds and cracked cereals too
- Solid beechwood & Arboblend Cabinet is well sealed against flour leaks
- Long life corundum-ceramic burrs
- Virtually no cleanup required
- Optional gluten-free grinding liner
- Long 12 year U.S. warranty
- Handmade in Germany

- The Mio is easy to set up and use. Plug it in, choose your grind setting and pour in your grains or beans. Don’t forget to set a bowl under the spout to catch your flour!
- The construction of this grain mill is LOVELY. It’s VERY well built and should last many many years.
- The grain mill is well sealed and made with Eco Friendly bio-plastic seams and it’s solid .
- The grain hopper is large and stable with a lid heavy enough to hold the ricocheting grains as they bounce around in the bowl.
- Clean up is very easy. Just wipe it with a cloth and put it away.
- The manufacturer says this mill will not need to be opened to adjust the ceramic grinding stones. They come perfectly placed and aligned. BUT you can open it easily for whatever reason, So Yay!
The only con I found to this mill is that the grain hopper (wooden bowl on top) was initially difficult to turn to adjust the grind setting. As I have used the mill several times the bowl is getting much easier to adjust. So this is a heads up if you’re wondering how to turn that bowl. Use two hands and twist firmly. It will loosen up with a few uses.
To see the KoMo Mio SPECS, colors and more in-depth information on this grain mill, visit the pleasant Hill Grain KoMo Mio Grain Mill product page.
Monday 10th of May 2021
I am looking at this mill among others. It looks great, but my concern would be the one con you mentioned about it being tough to turn the grind setting. I have a mild disability but it gives me a weaker left side, and I worry that I could not turn it with ease. You say it loosened up some, do you think it would work for me, or is it still pretty firm? I do not have a lot of strength in my left arm and hand. I would be interested in what you have to say. If it is still rather stiff to turn, I might look at a different all wood model, which seem to turn quite easily. Thanks!
Tuesday 11th of May 2021
@Diane, Thank you so much, this does sound doable for me as I can use both hands, just not very strong on the left. I would do as you suggest and mostly leave it on a setting I use the most. I think I will get in touch with Pleasant Grain and order one. Thanks for your quick response. I do appreciate it.
Monday 10th of May 2021
Hi Lou, I just went over and turned it so I can give you my most recent experience. I use two hands to turn it and it works quite easily. There is slight resistant at each adjustment but with one hand on each side of the bowl It turns with no trouble.
I found a flour size I often use and leave it there. I use the finest setting for my bread flours and I love the texture of the sourdough bread I am getting. Even with whole wheat.
So I can recommend it for you if you can use both hands without pain and exert just a small amount of pressure to twist the bowl. And I do really enjoy this mill. It has never failed to give me the results I want with lots of different grains. I most often use wheat, rye and corn. Happy Baking!
Sunday 4th of April 2021
That Arboblend is marketed as completely biodegradable doesn't mean what you may think it means. It is in no way the solution or even not part of the problem in terms of plastics in the environment.
This being said, no one is really even taking a swing at that problem so there is trivial added harm by your use of Arboblend. You won't see most of the consequences in your lifetime, anyhow. ;-)
Monday 5th of April 2021
Hi Chui, Thank you for bringing this up. I agree, Plastic harm in the environment affects all living things. I find it incredibly frustrating that we are continuing to ignore the problems caused by our unabated use of plastic and its consequences. I do think we are starting to see the impacts of this problem.
This komo mill is a compromise of sorts in this area. Pure wood mills tend to warp over time and that is the problem Arboblend was intended to solve. I really love this mill.
It works great. And since my last mill was 100% plastic I think this one is a step forward in reducing the plastic footprint. Not a complete solution but hopefully a move in the right direction. Happy Baking!
Saturday 13th of June 2020
should I order the mill in India?and what about issues of its spare parts?
Saturday 13th of June 2020
I would go to a dealer for the answers to these questions. I do own this mill but I have no idea how you can buy it in India. Try asking pleasant hill grains. This is their link in their website to this mill. Best of luck!
Angela Ramos
Thursday 18th of October 2018
Absolutely love you page and recipe's. Would love to own this baking product thanks so much♡
Thursday 18th of October 2018
Hi Angela, Thanks for dropping by. Have you joined the instagram giveaway? You'll love this mill. Best of luck!
Laura Sharp
Thursday 18th of October 2018
Thank yoyou for your review! What a beautiful grain mill, I would so love to own one for all my baking too!
Thursday 18th of October 2018
Hi Laura, I'm really happy with this mill. I posted my first 100 percent whole wheat sourdough loaf I made with this mill. So yummy!Good luck in the giveaway!